The COVID-19 VACCINES & Beyond ...

What the Medical Industrial Complex is NOT Telling Usdli


"an invaluable guide - be sure to give this book a careful read."

Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

Written by a retired attorney in collaboration with two medical doctors, this highly-documented, award-winning and best-selling

book presents an overview of the compelling evidence that

tells a very different story than what we've all been told

about the COVID-19 vaccines.

What other physicians and experts have said about this book:

Written by a retired attorney in collaboration with two physicians, this highly-documented book presents an overview of the compelling evidence

that paints a very different picture

than what we've all been told

about the COVID-19 vaccines.


International IMPACT

Book Award

(Health category)

Winner, 2024

Book Excellence Book Award

(Medical category)

What physicians & other experts have said about this book:

"A stellar work” and “a MUST READ”       

"Smart, intelligent & brilliantly put together”

“The kind of book my patients

have been calling for”

“Fascinating and informative,” & “comprehensive yet concise”

“This is a book the entire world needs to read"

“It’s so important that every doctor in America read this book”

“Should be required reading for all health care providers”

"A stellar work” and “a MUST READ”       

"Smart, intelligent & brilliantly put together”

“The kind of book my patients have been calling for”

“Fascinating and informative,” & “comprehensive yet concise”

“This is a book the entire world needs to read ...”

“It’s so important that every doctor in America read this book”

“Should be required reading for all health care providers”

As seen on

Find out why the authors believe that if everyone knew even some of what is in this book, probably very few people would have chosen to get the COVID shots, even if mandated by their employer at the risk of losing their job.


DO YOU KNOW WHY -- even according to the CDC's and Pfizer's own data - a vaccine was not even necessary in the first place to end COVID?

DO YOU KNOW WHY tens of thousands of doctors , scientists and other experts have been calling for an immediate and total ban on the COVID shots for all ages since 2021 -- and why their data-based warnings have been ignored by government regulators and the corporate media (or deemed to be "misinformation")?  

DO YOU KNOW the "big picture" that “all things COVID” fit into, and how that seriously impacts every person on the planet?  

Find out why the authors believe that if everyone knew even just a portion of what is in

this book, probably very few people would have chosen to get the COVID shots,

even if mandated by their employer at the risk of losing their job.


Do you know why -- even according to the CDC's and Pfizer's own data - a vaccine was not even necessary in the first place to end COVID?


Do you know why tens of thousands of doctors , scientists and other experts have been calling for an immediate and total ban on the COVID shots for all ages since 2021 -- and why their data-based warnings have been ignored by government regulators and the corporate media (or deemed to be "misinformation")?      

Do you know the "big picture" that “all things COVID” fit into, and how that seriously impacts every person on the planet?  

As Seen On


A series of 10 minute episodes about the latest threats to our health and ways to protect against them.



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SALLY SAXON is a graduate of Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago. She is a retired attorney who worked for one of the biggest law firms in Seattle for several years. She has also had her own practice and served as Executive Director of a Legal Foundation focusing on unlawful or abusive government actions. She comes from a family of health care professionals. Her father was a family physician and surgeon who was one of the few voices in his generation to warn of the dangers of governmental intervention in health care. She is the author of Globalists on Trial: The Hidden Agenda to Destroy America From Within (originally published in 2020, with a new edition expected to be released later in 2024. Sally is the host of the Astound Yourself! Podcast. She is also a minister with the Christian International network, is actively involved in ministry and has seen the miracle-working power of God transform many lives.

DEBORAH VIGLIONE, MD is a board-certified internist who has practiced medicine since 1986. She was on active duty in the Air Force for over 11 years. She is an active freedom fighter in Northwest Florida, organized the Panhandle Doctors for Truth, has held freedom rallies with thousands in attendance, as well as a freedom doctor at educational conference. Dr. Viglione is a leader in the field of nutrigenomics and methylation. She is Board-Certified in Anti-Aging Medicine, along with a Stem Cell Fellowship. and has been practicing Integrative and Anti-Aging Medicine since 1994 and maintains a very busy practice in that field at Living Waters Regenerative Medicine Center in Gulf Breeze, Florida.

JAMES A. THORP, MD is a Board-Certified Obstetrician Gynecologist and Maternal Fetal Medicine Physician with over 44 years of obstetrical experience. While serving as a very busy clinician his entire career, he has also been very active in clinical research with over 250 publications. He has seen over 27,500 high risk pregnancies in the past 4-1/2 years. He has served as a reviewer for major medical journals, and on the Board of Directors for the Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine. Most recently Dr. Thorp has focused his research on the COVID-19 pandemic and published over 70 peer-reviewed scientific publications documenting the dangers of the vaccine in women of reproductive age and in pregnancy, demonstrating the COVID-19 “vaccination” experiment has been one of the greatest disasters in the history of medicine.



2023 International

IMPACT Book Award

(Health category)

2nd Place Silver Medal

2023 Global Book Awards

(Medical Books category)

"an invaluable guide . . .

be sure to give this book a careful read."

  • Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

Written by a retired attorney in collaboration with two physicians, this highly-documented book presents an overview of the compelling evidence that paints a very different picture

than what we've all been told about the

COVID-19 vaccines.

What other physicians and experts have said about this book:

"A stellar work” and “a MUST READ”       

"Smart, intelligent & brilliantly put together”

“The kind of book my patients have been calling for”

“Fascinating and informative,” & “comprehensive yet concise”

“This is a book the entire world needs to read ...”

“It’s so important that every doctor in America read this book”

“Should be required reading for all health care providers”

As seen on

Find out why the authors believe that if everyone knew even just a portion of what is in

this book, probably very few people would have chosen to get the COVID shots,

even if mandated by their employer at the risk of losing their job.


Do you know why -- even according to the CDC's and Pfizer's own data - a vaccine was not even necessary in the first place to end COVID?


Do you know why tens of thousands of doctors , scientists and other experts have been calling for an immediate and total ban on the COVID shots for all ages since 2021 -- and why their data-based warnings have been ignored by government regulators and the corporate media (or deemed to be "misinformation")?      

Do you know the "big picture" that “all things COVID” fit into, and how that seriously impacts every person on the planet?  

SALLY SAXON is a graduate of Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago. She is a retired attorney who worked for one of the biggest law firms in Seattle for several years. She has also had her own practice and served as Executive Director of a Legal Foundation focusing on unlawful or abusive government actions. She comes from a family of health care professionals. Her father was a family physician and surgeon who was one of the few voices in his generation to warn of the dangers of governmental intervention in health care. She is the author of Globalists on Trial: The Hidden Agenda to Destroy America From Within (originally published in 2020, with a new edition expected to be released later in 2024. Sally is the host of the Astound Yourself! Podcast. She is also a minister with the Christian International network, is actively involved in ministry and has seen the miracle-working power of God transform many lives.

DEBORAH VIGLIONE, MD is a board-certified internist who has practiced medicine since 1986. She was on active duty in the Air Force for over 11 years. She is an active freedom fighter in Northwest Florida, organized the Panhandle Doctors for Truth, has held freedom rallies with thousands in attendance, as well as a freedom doctor at educational conference. Dr. Viglione is a leader in the field of nutrigenomics and methylation. She is Board-Certified in Anti-Aging Medicine, along with a Stem Cell Fellowship. and has been practicing Integrative and Anti-Aging Medicine since 1994 and maintains a very busy practice in that field at Living Waters Regenerative Medicine Center in Gulf Breeze, Florida.

JAMES A. THORP, MD is a Board-Certified Obstetrician Gynecologist and Maternal Fetal Medicine Physician with over 44 years of obstetrical experience. While serving as a very busy clinician his entire career, he has also been very active in clinical research with over 250 publications. He has seen over 27,500 high risk pregnancies in the past 4-1/2 years. He has served as a reviewer for major medical journals, and on the Board of Directors for the Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine. Most recently Dr. Thorp has focused his research on the COVID-19 pandemic and published over 70 peer-reviewed scientific publications documenting the dangers of the vaccine in women of reproductive age and in pregnancy, demonstrating the COVID-19 “vaccination” experiment has been one of the greatest disasters in the history of medicine.